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Sun, Nov 25, 2012
Huckleberry Mountain Bushwhack
Thanksgiving day bushwhack of Huckleberry Mt. just north of Crane Mt. Had the operator of the ADK guide not been intimidated by posted signs on the road in, the hike would have been much shorter. As it was, Mr. Melon went straight instead of left and wound up realizing the mistake somewhere near Armstrong Rd. Not deterred by ignorance or a 20 year old map/guide, an overgrown logging road offered a left that went up a western shoulder of Crane Mt. where the Huckleberry ledges were bright across the Paintbed Brook valley. Two beaver ponds negotiated, the Snowshoe Pond camp avoided and the Paint Mine trail found, climbing started up the ledges. I think this bushwhack would be easier in winter, but nonetheless worthy of the 1992 description in the ADK guide.
[Huckleberry Mt. near Johnsburg, NY]
11/25/2012 16:23 | Category: /outside